Madness Of a 36yr Mommy
Blogging about Life,Love,Kids,and Books!! Its ALL About The Books Though!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Not Your Ordinary Princess
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Rainbows and AJ Llewellyn

One of my Favorite Writers Released a new Book Called Track Book One of the Children Of the Rainbow.
A.J. has ones again out done himself. Track, the lover of Paden, has assumed human form after the pair meets in the book Paden (Book 14, Phantom Lover series). Track tells Paden they can be together, but their love exacts a price…one that Paden is soon to learn can be dangerous and potentially deadly.
The thing about AJ Llewellyn when he writes about Hawaii you cannot mistake his love of the islands, their traditions and his need to bring up into this world and show us the old and sometimes forgotten ways. For me at least i am surrounded by the sites the sounds and the smells of the island... it's the closet i will get to a Hawaiian vacation. This Spin off of His Phantom Lover Series is as touching, heart wrenching and exciting as Phantom Lover was. I think that everyone will have a hard time putting this book down till the end.
I adore AJ's books i have yet to read one that i don't love and hoard like the worlds worst hoarder. AJ makes me want to go to Hawaii and backpack through all the islands and see all the old hidden temples and places most dont want to see...
You can buy the book here
Monday, September 20, 2010
Today's Thought

There is honestly very little in this world that pisses me off... I am a fairly easy going person. I can live with the fact that not everyone will agree me and that I can live peacefully with that... However I have sadly learned something over the last 3months.... I AM NOT NORMAL!!! Ok I honestly knew that already but my parenting and mothering skills have been thrown into the mix as well... Let me give a little background. About 3 months or so ago I returned to a Parenting Board called Café Mom. Now over all it’s an ok place for moms to hang out but I left for about a year because of stupid people. When I say leave I just logged out and never logged in... Well in that time I got to know a lot of woman who love Gay erotic fiction, started chatting with writers of Gay Erotic Fiction and opened a Twitter account were I met and chat with a lot of wonderful gay men. So I was under the impression because I knew so many women like me that we are normal.... For heavens knows why I decided to log back in after a yr away. All I can say is HOLY FKING shit!!! I have never seen so many closed minded backwards, Ignorant mothers in the world... They hate my half naked men, they hate my writing I was told that I was a sophomoric writing hack... Now I know I will never never never ever have the talent or the Skill that Writers like AJ Llewellyn, DJ Manly, Carol Lynne, JP Bowie and John Simpson have but damn it I am good!!! There are woman on that board who do nothing but misquote the bible and spread hate and crap... They have gone out of their way to make sure that anyone of the mom's on this board who are Lesbians or Bi are discredited and run off... The Mod's hands are tied and the Admins ignore them because rumor has it this place is run by Anglo Christians with closed minds. These women have made me feel like because I encourage my children to love who they want to love and to be open minded and accepting of all people that I am bad. Or because I don't view Porn as the end of the world... I said something and I mean it... IF any of kids grow up to be Porn stars or Strippers I am ok with it... Is it what I want for them No... Do I know the hazards of the Jobs yes... Do I feel that if they know someone is in their corner supporting them they might make better choices yes? I ask myself often why I stay... I stay because I refuse to let anyone chase me away and I have some wonderful friends there... I just hate hate hate how these women can make me feel sometimes. I personally would love to stick it to CM and these women by overrunning the place with Gays and Lesbians and give them a run for their mommy and to show them how wrong they are... The Straw that broke the Camel’s back for me today was I posted some Commercials about how Same sex Marriage have the same issues as regular Marriage.. I called it The Problem With Same Sex Marriage (click this link you should be able to see it without joining Most of the comments where wonderful until this one and I have removed the names to protect the ignorant
"The problem with Gay Marriage is....There is no commitment. Nuff said : ) Most homosexuals may be married yet are in other beds with another and either don't see a problem with it".
Now let’s be serious that is the stupidest, ignorant statement I have ever heard. This group and some of these woman are just *grrrr* now yes I know that this is online I have the power to control this but I mean their hate and ignorance just saps my will to chat!!
Enough Ranting thanks for listening
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My Review of an AWESOME AJ Llewellyn Book

The Sex Ring By A.J Llewellyn
The Sex Ring is yet another book in a long Line of Great; Awesomely Amazing books my A.J Llewellyn. This book I think is one of this best yet not only because it takes place in his world but speaks volumes about how we as people under estimate the intelligence of our porn stars. Also I think it shows us that sometimes ...more
The Sex Ring By A.J Llewellyn
The Sex Ring is yet another book in a long Line of Great; Awesomely Amazing books my A.J Llewellyn. This book I think is one of this best yet not only because it takes place in his world but speaks volumes about how we as people under estimate the intelligence of our porn stars. Also I think it shows us that sometimes our own Guilt, failed pasts and the power of those who we loved and lost can sometimes over even death to make things right in our world.
Kristofer Edan doesn’t believe in ghosts… so why does he suddenly feel compelled to do, say and act in ways this shy young man never had in the past. Now the Proud owner of a Vintage Leather coat that once belonged to the late great Artist Rafeal Ortiz that comes with an Added surprise a beautifully designed Cock Ring hanging from its Epaulette. Having been graced with the Jacket in a second chance bid his new “toy” conjures up sexual dreams, hauntingly beautiful paintings and a love he never thought he would find or deserve after being left at the Altar.
A.J takes up into a world that is real and honest. He touched bases on things that make sense and really make you stop and take note of your own life and things going on in it. Of course there is hot dirty kinky sex… Just enough to keep you panting and wanting more… AJ has never ever disappointed me in his writing and this book is just one of his many many many stunningly beautiful. I love that He talks about real porn stars and real problems they have once they retire, make a comeback or just do what it that they do. We as normal people think that porn stars are just that sex addicts who love what they do… Ok well Most do love what they do what we as a people fail to see sometimes is that there is way more to them than sex.. Some of the greatest porn stars are Smart, stunningly intelligent and have talents outside of the bedroom. This book reminded me of that and for that I would like to thank AJ for that reminder.
For those of you who didn’t enjoy this book I think you should read it again with an open mind and see that sometimes it take a kick from the beyond to give us the strength to move on and find the things in our lives that we truly love and want.
AJ thank you for yet another book to treasure
Silver Pixies

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Stealing Hearts and Zombie Pride

The First Book i want to Review and talk about is Stealing my Heart By 7 of the Most Talented, Openly Fan loving writers i have had the privilege to meet online and at least one in person.(click the picture to go to Total-E-Bound to buy it) Carol Lynne, AJ Llewellyn, DJ Manly, Jaime Samms, Serena Yates, Jambrea Jo Jones, Stephani Hecht, and the Sexy Cover Model Adam Killian came together and wrote 7 of the most heart touching Stories that will make you weep and cheer for joy
Stolen Memories by Carol Lynne
In this book we meet Aden and Victor. Aden Had just lost the last of his family and wanders into Victor's years one evening before he is shipped off to live with an aunt and uncle in Arizona. Victor promises the young boy that when he returns home after college his home would be waiting for him. Fast forward Aden is now an Adult with a Missing past and an asshole for a boyfriend who is pirating Aden's books in order to control and manipulate him. a fight in sues and Aden finds himself in Victors home and no idea how he got there. Without giving a lot away Victor hold the key to Aden's missing past but are some secrets meant to be left in the past. Before Aden and Victor can have a future together the past must be dealt with and Aden will have to come to terms with things he didn't know about himself and decide can he embrace the weird things around him.
I love Carol's books she has always brought a sense of realism into her books. No matter what she writes me makes you think and feel. she is talented and a blessing to the e-writing world. Like all of her books I loved it and couldn't put it down
Stealing Rain by A.J. Llewellyn and D.J. Manly
There comes a time in the future were rain becomes something of memories and Water goes to the highest bidder. Here A.J and D.J our Dynamic Duo team up and weave a tail about Drew and Trace. Drew threw away a promising life with the military to find his own fortune wanting thing more to do it with the love of his life Trace. However trace fearing his family and tradition refuses to go with Drew and breaks no one his own heart but Drew's too. Years later they met again when Drew and his crew show up at a place they shouldn't be. Can out Pirate and Captain put aside the past, imprisonment, blackmail and kidnapping and move forward to a future together? AJ and DJ have done it yet again and have and do truly earned the term Dynamic Duo. Everything they write together is awesome,sexy and breath taking.
Hotwired Heart by Jaime Samms
Can Grand Theft Auto gone wrong lead to love,understand and acceptance? In Hotwired love Marky is convinced by an ex lover and friend that just one more job would get them out of the greenbacks. However the heist goes horribly wrong leaving one dead and Marky on the run.Marky crosses the tracks per say ending up in a high class BDSM club. When he get in over his head and the greenbacks track him to the club our hunky brash hero Roland comes in Cuffs a blazing and steals Marky's heart and shows him that there is more to life than gangs, cars and shootings. Jaime weaves a wonderful tale that shows alot of insight and hot sex.
The Magic Thieves by Serena Yates
Elryk Muyd'omir is the most powerful lightning wizard born on Tah'Nut in two hundred years and a pacifist. he hide on earth with no magic till he knew it was time to face his punishment for running away. Kaythan Vs`urr is the Law Force Commander send to retrieve the wayward criminal wizard. knowing the that the people who sent him needed to be stopped but how was a man to convince this stunningly handsome Wizard he was here to help him not hurt him. When they Jump through the portal home not only takes them somewhere other than were he figures he should be but also triggers something within them that has been rumored to not have happened in 200yrs. Can they stop the unstoppable and find love as Eleyk strives to revive his magic. Serena weaves for us a Magic tale full of love, devotion and magic.
Stealing Michael by Jambrea Jo Jones
Robert Breaks into a house to steal a painting on his mothers orders. What he didn't realize was his mother sent him to the wrong house. Micheal Wakes up to find himself tied to a chair and faces what he can only describe as a Dirty Angel holding him captive. Can Robert let go of the hold his mother has on him and see Micheal as the man who can help him or will Robert Steal Micheal's heart as well? Only Jambrea could have made a Break in sound sexy and show us sometimes the only thing a person needs is understanding and a second chance.
Dragon's Eye by Stephani Hecht
For 10yrs all Duncan wanted was to get his dragon's eye back and return home. His tormentor dies and he see's His chance to take back what is his. Than in comes Trent his tormentors son and secret love for the last decade. Can Duncan trust this sorcerer's son be trusted or will all be lost to a evil even worse than Trent's dad. OMFG this was one of those stories with so many Twist and turns that i hope that Stephani turns it into a long story and writes more!!!
There wasn't one story in this anthology that i didn't Love!!! If you love great Happily ever afters, and believe in your heart of hearts believe that E-book piracy is wrong PLEASE GO out and Buy this book!! Support Your Favorite Writers and show them you care about them and their Writing!!
Now let Move on to what took over my Monday Morning.. This Book had me from page one. I ignored Children and my SO Till i finished it and the First words out my mouth when I was done was HOT DAMN!!!! If You Love a Good Zombie Love story then I Highly Recommend My Zombie Pride By AJ Llewellyn, DJ Manly, Stephani Hecht (click Picture to go to the web page)

What would you do if you found out the man you loved was a Zombie and was willing to share his secret with the world? You'd Have With This Ring By AJ Llewellyn. Now when i started reading this i was beginning to think that life was Imitating art. Its about a writer in LA looking for that big Hook and He finds with with his boyfriend. Let me explain Darren our wonderful writer is on a time crunch. He has a great pitch for a TV Reality show However he is also dealing with his on again off again moody brooding Cello playing Boyfriend Jude. He is handsome, Loves sex and can stay hard for long periods of time. However he is also hiding a deep dark secret one that will either tear them apart or have ratings soaring. You be the Judge. I LOVED this short from AJ.. However i should warn you for a little while there i really thought that He was writting about himself and His partner the other half of the Dynamic Duo DJ.. Than i thought about it. It couldn't be DJ i am sure There is nothing Zombie like about Him.. *snickers*
What do you get when you cross a Pissed off Voodoo King, a Sexy Son of a Rich Man and a Vampire? That would Be DJ Manly's Louisiana Lust. Voodoo King Moudoca wants Craven and what Moudoca wants Moudoca gets. or does he??? In this latest Awesome DJ Story we find out poor Craven in a Fix. Murdered and tossed into the Swamps of the big easy to become a Zombie fuck toy for a Sadistic Voodoo King who doesn't like the word NO!! Well something comes along and spoils all the fun and creates some new fun. This is a page turner..
Last But Never least Stephani Hecht shows us what a little Salt can do for the Undead. In Salting Zombies we meet Avery a 2010 kinda guy and Christian a very 1984 kinda guy. when an Evil government group releases the bad Zombies into the compound were they have been housed its up to them to get out and find Avery's Ragtag rebels to save the day. What makes Christian so special and unlike the other Zombies.. well you'll just have to salt some animal brains and curl up with a good Book like this one and find out.
I love to read and i was so wrapped up in these books i lost sleep and time with my family and it wasn't a hardship. i would give up time energy and money for any of these writers. i highly suggest you run out and get these books and the many others these writers have out.
Love Lust and Lolly pops
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Personal Review of After Arsenic and Rio by DJ Manly
If the person you loved most in this world was ordered to poison you to death by a sick Sadomasochistic idiot could you forgive him? This is a Question Angelo's has to ask himself when he has to return to try and keep a maniac in jail. Seeing Marshall again after years had passed reinforced that he never really gotten over the man. Marshall has tried to move on with his life. He thought he had done a fairly good job with it too. Opening his own art store. Buying a house with his lover of 2 yrs. He knew he would never get over his angel but he had to try. When the person who caused them all this pain might make parole than escapes prison they get a second chance at being together. Or Do they??? Well I aint telling!! You are going to have to go to